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목차 나의 가족 고양이 '집사'로 살아가기 / 그린매거진 편집부 편 1 지금, 고양이가 대세 1 고양이
A Relevance-Theoretic Criticism of Literary Translation: Three Translations of Cat in the Rain, a Short Novel by Hemingway Generally, t
The Effect of Thyrotropin Peleasing Hormone on Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Cats with Spinal Cord Injury 정신, 신경과학,
원발성골종양, 고양이, 골육종
Antifungal Susceptibility Testing for the Dermatophytes Isolated from Dogs and Cats 피부사상균, 항진균제, 개, 고양이,
The Sociopolitical Gaze on Shame in Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood This article aims to examine the emotion of shame related to gaze in
Symbolic Meaning and Expression Techniques of Cat Characters in Picture Books by Yoko Sano 한국은 오래전부터 '고양이 앙화'
Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in dogs and cats in Seoul, Korea 목차 서울지역 개와 고양이의 Toxoplasma 감염증 실태
고양이, 대퇴골머리성장판, 골절, 중성화, 과체중