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A System and Meanings of Images of a Cat in Korean Poetry in Classical Chinese 본고는 고양이 漢詩의 意象을 연구하는 데
The Way of Implementing the Themes and the Aspects of the Works about Cats in Fables 본고는 說에서 고양이를 소재로 한 작
(A) Case of Feline Infectious Peritonitis with Intestinal Manifestation in a Cat 복강 내 종괴 촉진 및 구토, 식욕부진, 발
The Meaning of Records on a Cat, Appeared in YuSeo(類書) in the Late Joseon Dynasty 본고는 조선후기 類書에 나타난 고양
Hypospadias and Megacolon in a Persian Cat A 9-month-old intact male Persian cat (3.2 kg of body weight) was referred with primary comp
Exploring the Uniqueness of Posthuman Social Networks: Making SF of Human-Cat village Revealed in the Movie <Cats' Apartment> 본 논
Exploring the Uniqueness of Posthuman Social Networks: Making SF of Human-Cat village Revealed in the Movie <Cats' Apartment> 본 논
Exploring the Uniqueness of Posthuman Social Networks: Making SF of Human-Cat village Revealed in the Movie <Cats' Apartment> 본 논
Analyzing Priority Management Areas for Domestic Cats (Felis catus) Using Predictions of Distribution Density and Potential Habitat 본
Surgical Correction of Congenital Type III Atresia ani with Rectovaginal Fistula in a Cat 4주령의 0.6 kg 암컷 스콧티쉬 폴드